Matena's benefits
See why our application for generating subtitles is worth trying
Matena provides high quality of transcription (more than 90% for good quality materials) at a low price
The application allows the user to get transcription for various laguages: Polish, English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian
The time needed for processing speech to text in Matena is about 50% shorter than the duration of the audio or video files. If you are a stenotypist making the transcriptions manually, you can save a lot of time thanks to our software!
Our system is intuitive and user friendly, so you can easily process your audio or video files
Thanks to the subtitles in your materials you can reach more people. You can also meet the requirements of regulations regarding the accessibility of digital products and services
Matena's functionalities
The support of the authors
Our customers are provided with technical support. Additionally, out of concern for our clients' confidential data, it is possible to remove it from our speech to text platform.
The price of transcribing speech to text in Matena is 20 PLN for 1 hour of material. It is possible to lower the price in the case of high amount of materials needed to be transcribed.
It is also possible to test Matena for free (2 hours).
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Frequently asked questions
What are the general rules of using Matena?
Our clients buy a set of hours to be used, for example, in a period of a month or a quarter. The price of an hour of transcription is given above in the pricing section. Billing is done in one-minute increments. There is no limit for the number of recordings or for the duration of one recording (unless it exceeds the amount of purchased hours). The purchased hours have to be used before they expire. It is possible to extend their validity period if a user is not able to use all hours. A transcription that has already been done in various formats can be downloaded for free as many times as you wish, unless the file has been deleted by you because of data privacy. We offer additional discounts in the case of purchasing big sets of hours.
Is my data secure when using Matena?
The process connected with your data (recordings and transcription files) and with its security is as follows:
- The recordings are deleted from our server automatically after they are sent to an external speech-to-text service and after a correct transcription is sent back to Matena. The communication between all system components is encrypted.
- The recordings of Matena’s users are not stored/used by the system after the transcription is finished.
- In the application, only the file with the transcription is stored so that you can download it in various formats. If such file contains confidential data, you can delete it after downloading it (be careful: it is impossible to get deleted files back).
How can I test Matena?
If you want to test Matena, please contact us. Our team will prepare an account for you and we will send you data needed for using Matena. You can test up to 2 hours of material (you can process several files, but their total duration cannot exceed 2 hours). During the tests, all functionalities are available. We will appreciate it if you send us your feedback after testing Matena. If after testing you still want to use Matena, you can buy any amount of hours.
How can I add more hours to my account?
If you have no more hours available to be used in Matena, please contact us and provide us with information about the amount of hours that you want to buy and for how long you want them to be valid. Our team will add these hours to your account and then we will inform you about this fact and send you an invoice payable within 7 days.
How often do you update the application and what do these updates contain?
We update Matena every few months. The bugs are deleted and new functionalities are added when Matena is updated. New functionalities are often suggested by our clients because we always try to adjust Matena to their needs. One of our main goals is to optimize the process of transcription and to increase the effectiveness of processing the recordings. Simultaneously, our application remains user-friendly.
How am I informed about new updates?
Before deploying a new version of Matena, we send an email to our clients with information about what is new and when the new version will be available. Additionally, we update documentation so that it always contains the latest information about Matena.
What should I do when I have a problem with Matena?
In the case of any problems with Matena, please contact our support team via email: [email protected]. Our experts will find the solution as quickly as possible. Please make sure that you describe the details of the problem and send us a screenshot if it is possible.
Can I close the browser when Matena is processing my file?
When you upload your file, do not close the browser or turn off your computer. You can minimize the browser or open a new tab in the browser and work on something else. Once the file has been uploaded to Matena and it is being processed, you can close the browser or turn off your computer and come back later, e.g. after a few hours, as the processing is done on Microsoft’s cloud platform.
Can I add a link to the file instead of uploading it from my computer?
Yes, you can add a link to the file instead of uploading it from your computer. However, keep in mind that the link must lead directly to the file, not to the page on which the file is embedded. For example, it is not possible to provide a link to a Youtube video, as Youtube links are links to the platform on which the videos are embedded. A service where you can get a link to the file itself is Google Drive or Microsoft One Drive. When adding a link to the file in Matena, make sure to provide a link to the file itself, not to the folder in which the file is located.
Can I cancel the transcription process if it has already started?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to cancel the transcription after it has started. This is because the file processing is a multi-step process that uses various services, for which costs are charged independently.